The Clean River Movement activity program with the theme "Freeing Rivers from Garbage to Maintain Water Sustainability and Availability" is an activity to clean up rivers as well as a campaign to create a cleaner river environment. This activity is also a form of student concern for the environment. This activity program refers to problems related to cleanliness in watersheds where there is a need for solutions to these problems. In addition, the Clean River Movement is one of the programs and activities that support the SDGs program.    

The Clean River Movement was carried out on Saturday, 27 May 2023, which was originally planned to be carried out on the Metro River, then changed to the Muharto River and changed again following the direction of the Malang City Environmental Service to the River on Jalan Simpang Panji Suroso, Blimbing District, Malang City at 07.50–11.00 WIB. In this activity, an open recruitment of volunteers was held aimed at FMIPA students. Dissemination of information regarding the open recruitment of volunteers was carried out by distributing pamphlets through the HMD Honey Bee Biology Instagram account, as well as Instagram and WhatsApp of all committees. The volunteer open recruitment period was held on May 8-13 2023 and there were 16 volunteerswho participated. The Clean River Movement is also working with the Malang City Environmental Service to help run this activity.

This activity begins with the preparation of the committee and volunteers at 06.30-07.15 WIB. Then the committee and volunteers left for the location and arrived at the location at 07.45 WIB. River cleaning activities on Jalan Simpang Panji Suroso, Blimbing District, Malang City began at 07.50 WIB. The first series of events was the opening as well as a briefing of activities which were directly guided by Drs. Totok Sapto Mardjono as Head of the Waste Reduction and Cleaning Section for the Malang City Environment Service. At the activity briefing , Drs. Totok Sapto Mardjono gave directions to the committee and volunteersto divide into 2 groups. After Mr. Drs. Totok Sapto Mardjono gave an activity briefing , Mrs. Ajeng Daniarsih, S. Si., M. Si. as the accompanying lecturer also directed the distribution of groups into 2 points, namely group 1 to the west of the gathering point and group 2 to the east of the gathering point. 

After the distribution of groups and points, the activity continued with cleaning the river according to the directions from the Environmental Service. All committee members, volunteers , and accompanying lecturers together with the Environmental Service Team are working together to clean up the river. Weeds and weeds are trimmed and tidied up, plastic waste is collected and collected in a trash bag and then transported to a garbage collection truck provided by the Environmental Service. After all the trash was collected, all the committee members, volunteers and the Environmental Service gathered by the river to rest and eat together. Then the committee and volunteersreturn to the gathering point for closing activities and documentation of activities. At the end of this activity, Drs. Totok Sapto Mardjono expressed his appreciation to the committee and volunteers who care about the environment and are also enthusiastic about working with the Environmental Service in cleaning up the river . Before the activity was closed, the committee gave vandel as a form of memento of the collaboration between HMD Honey Bee Biology and the Malang City Environmental Service. Furthermore, documentation was carried out between HMD Honey Bee Biology members and volunteers with the Environmental Service.